
Preparing for your outdoor adventures fitness health home

We reached out to Albertan adventurer Ina Lucila for to get her perspective on how she prepares her body for playing in outdoor spaces.


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Improve your sleep despite aches and pains health home

Written in partnership with The Sleep Help Institute.

Age, an old injury, and a failing mattress are only a few of the many sources of...

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Parenting without injury: how to prevent injuries for new parents health home

Having a young child is hard. This isn’t exactly breaking news to any parent. Most new parents can foresee the mental exhaustion...

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Snow shoveling safety: lift light, shovel right fitness health home

Winter has arrived, and with it comes frequent snowfalls. A shovelful of snow can weigh 5-7 pounds. Imagine the weight you have to lift...

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Chiropractic: a piece of the puzzle in dealing with your child's concussion health home

The hardest injuries to diagnose and treat are the ones we can’t visualize. Imagine trying to tend to your child’s scraped...

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How to prevent sleep-associated pain health home

Making a few simple changes can help you reduce the pain associated with your sleeping pattern and will go a long way in making your...

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